Monday, March 18, 2013

Pink eye

It's not a disease! I'm silly. It's a virus (sometimes a bacteria).

Carry on!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

We made an offer!

On a house!

But we got beat out. By someone who offered more than asking price. Disappointing. But I guess it wasn't meant to be.
So the search continues. Three more houses on Tuesday.

Treefort is in just days! Really excited for that guy. Will be working extra hard at the gym (starting tomorrow) so I can drink everything.
I rolled my ankle pretty good at our city league game last Thursday so it's still a bit sore/stiff. Not crazy uncomfortable, but don't want to push it. Also, speaking of drinking everything, I'll be back on the beer, so hopefully that goes through the intestinal tract okay. I haven't had wheat for the better part of February and all of March (minus the few times I just blatantly failed and ate things like cookie dough, chocolate covered oreo's and pretzels on accident). I don't even know how I didn't make a connection. Oh well, live and learn :)

I guess I don't have much to say tonight. Don't poop and touch your eye. Wash always. Everyone at my work (a restaurant, mind you) is getting pink eye. Ha! I like to think one person way back was disgusting, and then it just spread like the contagious disease that it is. Or it was one of our vegans. I can just feel it.

I'm kidding!
[Am I?]

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The search for Home

Is not as easy as one might imagine. And the atmosphere is surprisingly competitive. Houses come onto the market and are sold within HOURS. That, my friend, is intimidating.
Especially for the 'little guy' such as Brian and I. We aren't rolling in with hundreds-of-thousands of dollars in cash money ready to hand the seller and sometimes at more than asking price. Come on! Not fair.
Anyway, we looked at 4 houses today. The first was good (not perfect, but a contender). The second was a bit too far from downtown Boise. The third was bank-owned and while it had character, it needed more work than the price allowed (I think. Brian was really intrigued by it, which is actually kind of a phenomenon in this search). The fourth was absolutely not an option; the location was a complete deal-breaker.
I'm going to go take a bath with my wine and a Boise Weekly. This blog to be continued...
Oh haiii, I'm back. But with little more to say. I imagine we will be in a position to make an offer (still waiting for our taxes to be processed for 2012) within March. That is completely terrifying. But there is no one else I would rather do it with than this boy of mine.

We went yurting in Idaho's back country a couple weeks ago. This is after the somewhat strenuous but surprisingly enjoyable hike in. 
Breathtaking views the entire way.

Goodnight! Xx

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Politics and Religion

What utterly disastrous and unintelligible topics. Let's just agree to not talk about them. Most specifically when in the presence of alcohol, family, or, well, just about anyone. Unless you are going to a church gathering or a political meeting, it's just like lighting a big 'ol fire that everyone wants to contribute their metaphorical wood to, and that ends in an angry, blazing forest fire of opinions. This is because nobody comes out of these topics happy; they come out judgmental and close-minded. At least that is my 23 full* years of experience. This is the reason I do not talk about these things with people unless it's an intimate, judgement-free setting**.

*Full speaks to much more than me being on this earth nearly 24 years. Full refers to the many life "experiences" that have been thrust upon me in this time.
**Note: these settings are hard to come by.

I overheard some [of my] family talking about religion and politics (and the relationship between the two) today and I was ashamed. Just ashamed. But does this make me any better? Me feeling bad about their opinions and the rude, inappropriate, disrespectful, and close-minded things they were saying? Doesn't that just make me judgmental as well? Sure, since I said nothing I offended no one. I also defended no one. Double edged sword?

Ironically enough, I am talking to all the people in the world about religion and politics.

But without really saying anything.

Friday, January 18, 2013


I'm a textbook adult. Or so it seems.
But I'm also an 11 year old.
I'm sometimes worthless and I like to sleep in until 12, or 1, or maybe 2.
I also have days upon days where I do little to nothing.
I'm selfish and needy.
I also am having quite the hard time telling the 'ol fam about my living change. I love my boyfriend and I think this is a great move for us, but I'm afraid I'll be in trouble.

Like I'm a child. Absurd.

Speaking of children- I always wanted them.. until I recently didn't. Is it because I am still a child myself? Or far too selfish to bring another life into this world? Maybe that internal clock will start tickin' as I age, but for now.... ew.

Mostly I just want a baby corgi.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Memories: edition 2012

Everyone likes photos. I like them a little too much. Here are some gems from 2012.

We got a puppy. We named her Teagan.
We gave that puppy kisses.
That puppy got separation anxiety (albeit ten feet away) and pooped on EVERYTHING.
I turned 23 and we danced. 
We also partied and kissed for Brian's birthday.

The Fourth of July was celebrated by getting cheeseburgers and milkshakes and hiking to the top of Boise's best park, Camels-back.
I was lucky enough to get to spend time with some of my best girlfriends in San Jose, California
Brian met us in San Francisco and it happened to be the Golden Gate Bridge's 75th anniversary.
We walked for 17 miles (roughly) and got this paparazzi shot
Our 6th month anniversary. Maybe the cutest Backstreet Boy there ever was.
We camp
And attempt senior photos

With tiki torches lit all the while.
We also had great fun renting IK's (inflatable kayaks) and taking them out on the lake.
An appropriate Halloween costume: Hugh Hefner and a Playboy Bunny.
Brian's mom and stepdad visited and we went wine tasting in Idaho's wine country (yes, it's a thing!)... Met the 'rents!
And tried my hand at iPhonetography with a mini wine-buzz.
More of this photo-shoot to come... an adorably hipster session with Caitlan MacMahon.

Well, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Here is to blogging more, and [p]owning those resolutions! 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Blogging about blogging (inception, if you will)

I've thought about starting a new blog about serving.
Serving people food and drink. "It shouldn't be that hard", you say, "what's the big deal", you say. Well, have you ever waited tables? Do you have any idea how ABSOLUTELY GOD-AWFUL people can be? It's actually amusing just thinking about the stories I could tell. And I've only been doing this for three years! (Wow, three years? Already?) Some of it is appalling. Maybe I'll vent on this blog a few times here and there until I start the waitressing blog. For now, this is what you should know: tipping is very important. In fact, it is the servers' livelihood (most get paid about three dollars an hour with no benefits and horrendous shifts). Hey, I didn't make the social norm/rule that said tipping was how we are going to do it here, but that's how it is (like opening the door for others, or letting the pregnant lady take your chair), so suck it up, and accept that as part of the bill. I had a fellow server get no tip on a $50 tab (I work at a pretty upscale restaurant) that said something along the lines of "thank you, we are short on cash right now, times are tough, no hard feelings."

That's it. And CERTAINLY don't go to a nice restaurant.

Last comment is about percentages.
15%- Service was subpar, but the diner is not a horrible person.
20%- Hey, thanks for the service, you were adequate.
25%- Well done!
30%- You were taken care of and want to make an impression on the server.
50%- You're leaving your number (attention: in order to get a phone number from a server you actually have to tip REALLY EFFING WELL) Nobody would give their number to a ten-percenter. You can quote me on that.

I'm out for now. Had no idea this post would turn into my other blog, but... I suppose it's fine as long as I release my feelings somehow :)

Next up: negative paychecks.

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